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Monday, February 21, 2011


Today is 2 weeks since I had my hysterectomy.  Everything went well.  I checked in Monday at 6am and was released Tuesday about 1pm.  Was on pain meds for 4 days before felt good enough to go without.  I felt GREAT that first week. So good that I overestimated my recovery and did a bit too much!!  My doctor made me realize that no pain did not necessarily mean I was back to 100%.  So last week I went back to taking it easy and think I am on the right track for healing.

Today, I drove my son to his chiropractor.  He was going to be in there a while so I decided to hang out in Target.  I just browsed and walked up and down the aisles at my own pace.  It felt good to walk.  While it wasn't anything that worked up a still felt good. 

I can't believe I am saying this...but I miss exercising!!  I can't wait for my 6 week checkup, to be cleared to get back to working out.  For now; I am starting short a slow pace. 

It is hard to be stuck at home and seeing everything that needs to be cleaned yet not being able to really do much about it.  I can basic stuff but no vacuuming or scrubbing.  David has been awesome with keeping up laundry and dishes but I still see stuff that I want to do.  I think I need a maid........

So for now, taking it easy and trying not to go stir crazy!!!

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