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Friday, November 27, 2009

Pie Making....a year later...

Sooo, last year I shared my story regarding my yearly pie making tradition.

This year I set out to make pies, as usual. Only problem is my oven had "blown up" a few days earlier and we were waiting on the part to come in to repair it. So my sister in law offered her house and ovens to me. I thought that would work out since we were having a family dinner over there anyway with a few friends. Of course, as I arrived I was subjected to some teasing from everyone. Lots of jokes all evening long about my pie making history. This only fueled my desire to make the PERFECT PIE (kinda like the Perfect cheer?)

All was well. I only had one glass of wine.....I was on track....I was ingredients were assembled....I was ready to prove myself. I was feeling good about the experience.

THEN....I go to insert a knife into the pumpkin pie to see if its done. I decide to lick the knife. I immediently sense something is wrong. I take another taste.


Needless to say.....I am passing on pumpkin pie duty to someone else. I will stick to pecan and apple.

And the teasing continues...............

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Omg!!! Awesome!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!