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Friday, September 18, 2009

Stroke Me

Can I tell you how excited I am?????

We are going to see Billy Squier, tomorrow night.

Billy Squier (along with Queen) is the very first concert I ever saw. Way back in 1982...with my dad! None of my girlfriends were interested in going so my dad stepped up to take me. We had a blast. One of my favorite memories of the evening was my dad razzing the guys sitting next to us, all evening long. It was SOOO obvious that they were totally trashed. To be honest I don't think they even knew who was performing that night.

So needless to say, Billy Squier and Queen hold a special spot with me. I still have my original concert tshirt, tucked away in my hope chest. Its really old and musty.....and REALLY small. I think the only person who could wear it now is my petite 14 year old. But I am scared to have her try it on for fear it will disintegrate right in front of me. I'm pulling it out and taking it with me tomorrow. *Maybe* I can track Billy down and have him sign it????

I've been checking out today. Same songs....still rock...but he has tweaked them a bit. They sound GREAT. If you get a chance, check it out.....

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